There are " 10,000" of children with physical challenges in north Syrian, between a birth defect and war injury, But physical challenges weren't their only problem, but were the cause to created new problems, the most important of which are their educational attainment and continue their studies، You can help us reach more than 100 students with physical challenges to teach them. 1
Their suffering is increasing day by day!
The war in Syria caused the injury of a large number of children! Various injuries, causing them either complete or partial malformations, with cases of congenital, in addition, majority of them live in random camps and far from schools, which has made continuing their education difficult under the present circumstances, Consequently , this child needs a companion to help him reach and return from school, in addition to the resulting financial costs, which are not available in the first place.
Why are these students need your support?
The return of these children who have been abstain from education due to injury has become is very necessary, where the beneficiary student will be able to receive lessons, and continue his education online, through the " "Masarat" initiative, while he is at home without the need for companion to accompany him in every movement, which makes it easier for him to get injured, in preparation for his engage in society later, and for him to be an active element in it. 2
What more are you waiting for to offer support?!
141 students were under our care!
"Masarat " didn't leave them to their fate and reality, Rather ," Masarat "has taught 141 students with physical challenges , by providing interactive lessons through the initiative’s various platforms on online، and pay the cost of Internet subscription, In addition to presenting some food baskets for their families, To relieve them somewhat of their great needs.
Have you contemplated the results of your support for the student who lost the will to live and for his family that suffers for him?
Fatima and Doaa were able to get rid of their isolation with " Masarat"
Fatima and Doaa, they were the best example of achieve the goal.. Watch 3 their story and what your support can do:
Don't hesitate they are waiting for your generosity.
We can reach out and learn more with your support!
Through your donation, we aim to reach 100 students with physical challenges, and we introduce them to virtual classes to receive free online, and through your generosity, we will secure the costs of the Internet for learning, In addition to securing stationery and online learning tools needed for them monthly. 4
Do you realize the amount of happiness that the student will reap after his success and involvement in society?
About "Masarat"
"Masarat" is a non-profit initiative that provides online education, facilitating the access of knowledge to Syrians without being restricted to time or place, especially in the affected areas, "Masarat" also believes in the importance of providing equal opportunities for learning, we are aware of the importance of education in building creative and productive individuals capable of creating a better future, "Masarat " focuses its services on the most affected groups in society, such as children, orphans and the displaced, in refugee camps, and those with physical challenges, In addition to those who have dropped out of education and who have entered the child labor market. 5
" Masarat " has provided its educational services to more than 8,000 students since its launch in 2020.